
Along with all my other talents (and deficits, probably), I’m the author of the comedic science fiction novels Severance and Freeze/Thaw. 




After 240 years traveling toward Tau Prius and a new planet to colonize, the inhabitants of the generation ship Argos are bored and aimless. They join groups such as the Markers and the Breeders, have costumed orgies, and test the limits of drugs, alcohol, and pain just to pass the time.

To Laura Stein, they’re morons and, other than a small handful of friends, she’d rather spend time with her meat plant than with any of her fellow passengers. But when one of her subordinates is murdered while out on a job, Laura takes it as her responsibility to find out what happened. She expects to find a personal grudge or a drug deal gone wrong, but instead stumbles upon a conspiracy that could tear the ship in two.

Labelled a terrorist and used as a pawn in the ultimate struggle for control, Laura, with help from her friend Bruce and clues left by a geneticist from the past, digs deep into the inner working of the ship, shimmying her way through ductwork, rallying the begrudged passengers to rise up and fight, and peeking into an unsavory past to learn the truth and save their future.

Reviews, Interviews, and other Media 


Just A Guy That Likes To Read (Review)

SF Signal (Review)

Strange Girl In A Little House (Review)

Little Red Reviewer (Interview)

Beauty In Ruins (Guest Post)

Dab of Darkness (Interview)

Goodreads (Reviews)

Apex (Interview)

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The Earth is icing over and no one knows how to shut the Shade off. Every attempt in the last thirty years has failed and humanity is nearly out of options if they want to regain a world that isn’t covered in snow and ice. Gabe Alfil may be the only person alive with enough expertise in quantum computing to solve the problem, but a hiking accident a decade earlier has left him paralyzed, and the key to saving the world requires a dangerous trek across a frozen wasteland.

Between chases across the icy landscape, kidnapping attempts, and computer hijacking, Gabe quickly realizes that not everyone wants to save the world.

Can anybody be trusted?

Click here for a hilarious and thought provoking excerpt.


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Reviews, Interviews, and other Media 

Publishers Weekly


Stephen Williams

Frank Errington

Samantha Williams